Your brain
trying to keep you safe. And it’s doing
a pretty darn good joo, as humans were wired to look for familiarity and routines. Anything out of the ordinary sets off our proverbial alarm bells and tells us to proceed with caution. This is by design. In order to evolve, we had to develop pattern recognition to know what foods, places, animals, and situations were safe. We had to develop the tools to pass on that information to the next generation so they could build upon the knowledge we had gained. We know what works and what doesn’t. We’re hardwired to stay away from the unknown. From the time were born, we approach new situations, new people, and new ideas with caution, often taking a while to adapt and to adopt new ideas. Our brains are trained to look for
the tammar Lue wouk de chaotie, and unse it we. or our ancestors, had to learn everything new every single day.
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